Friday 1 February 2008

DVD Cover

There is no clear image on our front cover, which is simple and quite plain, to symbolise the main character's OCD and obsession with being tidy. There is a faint image of the main character wearing a white shirt and black tie, which could suggest death, as this is usually clothes worn to a funeral. He is also seen holding a polaroid camera which suggests that photography and voyeurism could be a main theme of the film. The title and names on the cover are faded, to look like a polaroid photo developing, to help to suggest these themes will occur in the film. The image of the man on the cover is cut off at the shoulders, which hides his face, this is enigmatic because you want to know: Who is he? Is he good or bad? The quote from 'The Guardian,' 'Chilling,' suggests that the film will be more creepy and disturbing than scary or gory.
The dictionary definition of the word 'Fixation' which appears at the top of the back cover, helps to anchor the title on the front cover. It basically sums up the main themes of the film such as obsession whilst suggesting that the murderer will have child-like attachments to people and behave neurotically.